Monday, July 11, 2011

Next Reb Album- In the studio

We were lucky to have our good friend Jessica come in and do backup harmonies on this new song...Look for it on the next album


  1. Eric, I cannot wait. I just caught the acoustic "closer I get" on youtube and I am really feeling the sound. It seems like this album is going to be really eclectic and that is exactly what I , as a fan like to see. Spread your wings and you guys will fly. Sky is the limit. much love and thanks again for posting

  2. i also really like the way the guitar works at ( :13 and :42 ) with your voice when you go lower with the "ahh". tight sound,

  3. This small clip sounds awesome, can't wait for the new album!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Eric, you should post more studio clips...just everyday stuff. I think it gives great insight to fans like myself, who find your work amazing.

  6. Eric I dont know where else to contact you I almost met you in Orlando HOB, only talked to Marley but I been wanting to ask you are you a believer of Christ. email @ ...I love your music would really love a reply
